Foundation El Güegüense Cigar Review

Nicholas Melillo of Drew Estate fame and fortune has cut the umbilical cord and set off on his own to present to us the Foundation El Güegüense. Being a fan of many of Nick’s blends (T52, Number 9, and UF-13 to name a few), I, like all of Drew Estate’s ravenous devotees and zealots, am…

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Bodega Reunion Digestivo Cigar Review

Bodega designed the Reunion Digestivo as an after-dinner smoke meant to be the capstone to a long evening of smoking lighter cigars (such as the Bodega Reunion Aperitivo), drinking heavily, and eating heartily, AKA my favorite pursuits. I’ve smoked this cigar before but haven’t put my thoughts on paper until now–lucky you! You get to…

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